Sun, Sea, Leisure
My Florida TimeshareSun, Sea, Leisure
Questions and AnswersQuestions and Answers  

Who can Advertise? Are there any restrictions?
We invite all genuine owners/authorized representatives of approved Timeshares to advertise - we have no restrictions, so long the advertisements are genuine/authentic and are within the state of Florida.
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What are the Cost involvements?
This Service is free and we, at least intend to, keep it that way.
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What if the Location and/or the Timeshare names are not there in the Selection List?
If you have a Timeshare within the state of Florida that you want to advertise here but don't find the Location and/or Timeshare name in the List, please contact us and we'll have those included.
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What if I loose my Account information?
Use this simple form to retrieve your Username/Password. Please remember, your original Password will be replaced by a randomly generated one. You are advised to Login and change the Password.
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How long will my Advertisement remain in your system?
As far as possible, we do not intend to remove any advertisement unless deleted by the owner.
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